Let's cut right through the chase and have a look-see:

For some reason, I really couldn't get the lighting right to take a full front shot. The best one I was able to capture is this one:

Here's the other side, for good measure:

SO. Let's talk about some things. First, please disregard the pillow that's trying desperately to fill that jacket as I would. I've been heavily considering making either a paper tape or duct tape double of myself. It can be done.
My seam ripper has been GLUED to my side. I sewed the front interfacing to the wrong side. Then I also ended up cutting out about 4 extra front lapels, because I either cut them out and interfaced the wrong side (difficulties in using fabric that doesn't have a right and wrong side), or after sitting at the machine for evidently too long, I cut out one lapel - only to start cutting it at the seam allowance. WHY WOULD I DO THIS? And it's not like I just started to snip, oh no, I cut almost 1/3 of the way!

But despite those things, I'm quite pleased with how this is starting to turn out. I haven't made any adjustments, but if I make this again I'll definitely be adding some length to the bottom pieces.
I bought a tracing wheel, and while on the one hand am glad I did, the other hand reminds me that some of the notions at Joanns are junk, including but not limited to my tracing wheel. This little thing feels like it could snap in two at any moment. It has been helpful though, since my least favorite part of sewing is tracing seam allowances, but I don't really like to sew without tracing them.
I'm already thinking of my next project. Options include:
Simplicity 2593, a simple tank.
McCall's 5803 (Just the top, which I LOVE)
McCall's 4769, a classic and versatile shirt-dress.
Butterick 6582, View C. I don't know what I'd wear it to, though. It's part of their "Retro" Line. (This happens to be '60)
Butterick 4790, also part of their "Retro" line. This one is '52.
Choices, choices. This is all that's fit to print, for now.